Bob Casey (INCUMBENT) United States Senator

Bob Casey was raised to believe that “all public service is a trust, given in faith and accepted in honor,” and he has brought that to every office he has held, including Pennsylvania Auditor General, State Treasurer, and U.S. Senator. In Harrisburg, Bob Casey compiled a record that focused on making government more accountable and responsive to the needs of Pennsylvanians. He has been a fiscal watchdog who made nursing homes safer, child care more affordable and government more accountable. He led the fight to reform Megan’s Law to better protect Pennsylvania children and communities. Since he was elected to the United States Senate in 2006, Bob Casey has worked to create family-sustaining jobs and foster financial security for Pennsylvania families; protect our children and invest in their futures; ensure safety at home and respect for America abroad; promote honesty and accountability in government; preserve the dignity of the vulnerable of all ages among us; and advocate for his constituents and help them solve problems they face.

Contact Information

PO Box 58746,Philadelphia,PA,19102
Office Hours:
Mon – Thur 10AM-3PM

37 South High St.
    West Chester, PA 19382

(610) 692-5811

email CCDC