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CCDC Newsletter August 2022

In this newsletter: A Great Start to August Message from the Chair Candidate Spotlight:  Paul Friel for 26th PA House District Abortion Rights are (Effectively) on the Ballot this November Chester County Voter Registration Gap Widens Your 'One...

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Celebrating Labor Day 2022

In 1894 Congress declared that the first Monday in September would be set aside to honor the American laborer. It is ironic that at that time there remained sweat shops, long hours with little time off and miserly wages. It took the United States a...

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Inflation Reduction Act signed into law!

Today, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law, the victorious culmination of months of work by Senate and House Democrats. President Biden called this comprehensive bill “one of the most significant laws in our...

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What does US Senate candidate John Fetterman stand for?

As he says about Issues, "You’ll always know exactly where I stand. I haven’t had to ‘evolve’ on the issues, because I’ve always said what I believe is true and I’ve been championing the same core principles for the last 20 years." Here it is:...

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CCDC Newsletter July 2022

CHESTER COUNTY DEMOCRATS July 2022 NEWSLETTER To receive future newsletters by email, sign up here. In this newsletter: Democracy is on the November Ballot Message from the Chair Spotlight on US 6th District: Rep. Chrissy Houlahan 100 Days to go...

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The Choices Are Clear!

from The Easttown Democratic Voice July 23, 2022 Newsletter: This has been a pretty rough summer, with the U.S. Supreme Court – now controlled by a 6-3 Republican majority – blowing up Roe v. Wade, allowing even more guns on our streets, and...

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The threat to our democracy is real

by Carol Catanese, outgoing chair, Kennett Area Democrats Growing up in the 50's and 60’s I remember the duck and cover drills in grade school, instructed to hide under our desks as protection against a nuclear attack!  And into the 70’s the...

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Office Hours:
Mon – Thur 10AM-3PM

37 South High St.
    West Chester, PA 19382

(610) 692-5811

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