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The threat to our democracy is real

by Carol Catanese, outgoing chair, Kennett Area Democrats

Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s I remember the duck and cover drills in grade school, instructed to hide under our desks as protection against a nuclear attack!  And into the 70’s the continued threats to our American democracy informed our foreign policy in every warlike enterprise, all to safeguard our country and deter the domino effect of Communist take overs. The threat to our country was over there, China, Soviet Union, then Russia, and more recently by Taliban and other foreign extremist religious groups.

But now our democratic way of governing is threatened by the Republican Party leadership along with an extreme reactionary Supreme Court and domestic terrorist groups. The attacks on our democracy are wide spread and constant. The January 6th insurrection was the culmination of years of undermining the moral integrity of elected officials.

Meanwhile, PA General Assembly Republicans had time to push an 11th hour amended SB 106 through while they were supposed to be passing a budget. Be prepared for a May 2023 primary with constitutional amendments, one prohibiting abortion as a legal medical option.

Meanwhile, Harrisburg Democrats continue pursuing legislation that benefits all Pennsylvanians. For some of their successes you can view recent reports from Democratic State House Rep Christina Sappey (158th) HERE, and Democratic State Senator Carolyn Comitta (19th) HERE.

While the Democrats in Chester County, Harrisburg and Washington D.C. work tirelessly on projects and legislation that helps improve the lives of the vast majority of middle class Americans, the Republicans work to obstruct advances for clean water and air, affordable healthcare, quality education for all, safe living environments, a living wage, voter protections and rights, gun safety, and yes, a women’s agency over her own body.

Democrats deliver and will continue to deliver given the opportunity. And their opportunity to serve as our elected officials depends on YOU, the voter. If you care about the environment, affordable healthcare, voter protection rights, gender equity rights, reproductive rights, raising the minimum wage, and changes to our tax structure that will improve the economy in a significant way for the average American, then the choice is clear, VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT, and vote in EVERY election!

The threat to our democracy is real. It’s a war out there and the only way we can win is if good people participate.

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