An Environmental Champion. An Educator. A Community Leader. A Trusted Public Servant. A Friend You Can Count On. Throughout her career, Carolyn has embraced all of those roles and more. As State Senator for Pennsylvania’s 19th District, she is working to support strong public schools, a clean environment, affordable healthcare, renewable energy, economic growth, and safe, welcoming communities where we all have an opportunity to thrive. In the Senate, Carolyn serves as minority chair of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and on the Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Aging and Youth, Education, and Local Government Committees. Before that, Carolyn served two terms, beginning in 2016, as State Representative for the 156th Legislative District. But she is perhaps most well known for being the first woman and first bipartisan-elected mayor of West Chester, a position she was elected to in 2010 after serving two terms on West Chester Borough Council. To all her roles, Carolyn brings the perspective of an educator, a small business owner, a mother and a grandmother, and a neighbor who cares.
Carolyn Comitta (INCUMBENT)
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