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No Time to Let Up!

Good News, but no Time to Slow Down

This week we finally got some good news out of Washington. Senator Joe Manchin had a sudden reversal and announced his support of a reconciliation bill; the CHIPS bill is now on President Biden’s desk; and the falling gasoline prices are all news that, in normal times, would almost make us giddy. Maybe I exaggerate, but with all the bad news we’ve had to deal with coming out of DC, I am ready to shout our accomplishments from the rooftops and more importantly at any front door.

However, let me be perfectly clear – I am not saying we should take our feet off the pedals. Rather, this surprising, but welcome good news should cause us to double down on our efforts to elect and reelect Democrats.

This is evidenced by the bill that makes me the proudest and most hopeful – the House passage of an assault weapons ban. Unfortunately, due to Republican opposition, this life-saving legislation will most likely not pass the Senate.  Democrats do deliver, and the fact that an assault weapons ban passed on the House floor for the first time in nearly three decades is a small victory. Now Republicans can no longer evade taking a position on banning military grade weapons used in mass shootings that seem to increase with each year. But on critical issues like this, we need more than moral wins. Electing more Democrats is the only way to make real progress on gun control and so many other issues.

This should be motivation enough for undecided or low propensity voters to vote this November. We must take the Senate and keep control of the House if we are to accomplish the initiatives needed to save our children, our planet, and our democracy. Look at what has been accomplished in a political environment created by the Republicans to thwart progress on any front – improving the economy, addressing the climate crisis, meaningful weapons legislation, and the protection of our constitutional rights.

Our mission is to make sure all Democratic, Independent, and moderate Republicans know what is at stake and what Democrats have accomplished, even with Republican opposition. Our candidates need our help. Knock on doors, write postcards, man phone banks, and donate. We need all hands on deck.

In Unity,


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