By the time you receive this newsletter the May 17 Primary Election will be only days away.
You might be looking at primary races, some unopposed, and thinking it’s not that urgent you vote. But it is. We have a contested, and critical U.S. Senate race on the Democrat ballot. We have party committee seats up for election.
But that’s not going to be the driving reason why you should vote next week.
Our democracy is under attack as never before, except for the Civil War. Locally we have seen far right anti-democracy groups pack meetings of our Election Board to push the “big lie” created by Donald Trump and other anti-democracy forces. They have said our local elections are corrupt and prone to fraud.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Our Chester County elections are managed by dedicated staff, observed by members of both major parties. The process is filled with checks and balances and where there have been shortcomings, they have been human or system error, and have been corrected. We can be proud of the integrity of our elections. And, by the way, that’s not just the reality in Chester County – it’s the reality across this nation.
Next week you need to go to the polls. You need to stand up for Democracy. You must show that, unlike some on the other side of the aisle, you care deeply for our heritage. We are a flawed country but our founding fathers, in their genius, knew we would be and created a Constitution and form of government that can adapt. Today African-Americans no longer are 3/5 of a person. Women can vote. Rights have been extended. We have not attained perfections as a nation and probably never will. But we are on a journey of hope.
f we are to continue that journey, we all must accept that our right to vote includes an obligation, a duty to vote. Our vote is all that stands between us and the darkness that has been laid over too many nations and looms on the horizon for our own.
We hope to see you at the polls Tuesday, not so much because the fates of individual candidates depend on your presence, but because our very democracy, the core of who we are and all we hope to be, demands you presence.
See for a Voter Guide with all candidates listed except for Precinct Committeepersons. See your local zone website or table at the polls for sample ballots with endorsed candidates.
Polling Places link:
