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In this newsletter:

  • 2022 Primary Election – It’s here, and why you should vote
  • Message from the Chairwoman
  • Pennsylvania Joins RGGI (it’s a big deal!)
  • It’s Time for Young Voters to be Heard (and Vote)
  • Tee off with the Chester County Democrats
  • Your One Thing to do (VOTE)
  • Calendar


By the time you receive this newsletter the May 17 Primary Election will be only days away.

You might be looking at primary races, some unopposed, and thinking it’s not that urgent you vote. But it is. We have a contested, and critical U.S. Senate race on the Democrat ballot. We have party committee seats up for election.

But that’s not going to be the driving reason why you should vote next week.

Our democracy is under attack as never before, except for the Civil War. Locally we have seen far right anti-democracy groups pack meetings of our Election Board to push the “big lie” created by Donald Trump and other anti-democracy forces. They have said our local elections are corrupt and prone to fraud.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Our Chester County elections are managed by dedicated staff, observed by members of both major parties. The process is filled with checks and balances and where there have been shortcomings, they have been human or system error, and have been corrected. We can be proud of the integrity of our elections. And, by the way, that’s not just the reality in Chester County – it’s the reality across this nation.

Next week you need to go to the polls. You need to stand up for Democracy. You must show that, unlike some on the other side of the aisle, you care deeply for our heritage. We are a flawed country but our founding fathers, in their genius, knew we would be and created a Constitution and form of government that can adapt. Today African-Americans no longer are 3/5 of a person. Women can vote. Rights have been extended. We have not attained perfections as a nation and probably never will. But we are on a journey of hope.

f we are to continue that journey, we all must accept that our right to vote includes an obligation, a duty to vote. Our vote is all that stands between us and the darkness that has been laid over too many nations and looms on the horizon for our own.

We hope to see you at the polls Tuesday, not so much because the fates of individual candidates depend on your presence, but because our very democracy, the core of who we are and all we hope to be, demands you presence.

See for a Voter Guide with all candidates listed except for Precinct Committeepersons. See your local zone website or table at the polls for sample ballots with endorsed candidates.

Polling Places link:



It is finally May and maybe it will begin to feel like spring. Our primary election is only days away. Canvassing events are being held every weekend – every door knocked or phone call made now is an opportunity to put our candidates’ names and records in front of another voter. Our Mail-In-Ballot application numbers look great. Every voter who applies for a Mail-In-Ballot now is one less voter we must contact to apply for a November ballot.

I want to thank our volunteers who have been attending the County Commissioners and Board of Election meetings. Our volunteers have been speaking during the public comment periods to counter the false claims of voter fraud and attacks on our teachers repeated over and over by the Republicans.

We need more people to attend these meetings, not to constantly refute the same false claims by the Republicans, but to change the narrative. The message that Democrats Deliver must be our mantra and we must tout our accomplishments, which are many.

In June, a one-hour workshop will be offered to educate volunteers and give talking points. The goal is to educate and build confidence in our volunteers. Details on the workshop will be forthcoming. I should point out that it is not necessary to speak at the meetings; attending and supporting those who do speak and our commissioners is quite enough and greatly appreciated. For details on meeting dates, times and locations of the meetings, please contact Marcy Cornell at the CCDC office.

This has been a long and arduous petition signing and primary election cycle. I want to thank all the volunteers, CPs, ZLs, AZLs and other CCDC members who have given their time and energy to gather petition signatures, knock doors, volunteer to cover the polls, attend poll watcher training and distribute sample ballots to voters.

May 18th should be a county-wide Day of Rest for all of you. Sleep as late as you can and pamper yourself – read a book or take a walk – rejuvenate, because the November election is around the corner and the stakes are high.

United we win,




Iraqis Choke Under a Blanket of Dust as Sandstorms Sweep the Country,” per the May 6 New York Times. That’s about 10 times as many sandstorms there as 20 years ago. Why? Climate change, of course, and also, according to an expert quoted, “the mismanagement of surface water and groundwater in those areas, along with disturbances in deserts from farming and the movement of people.”

It can’t happen here, right? Actually, it has been and is happening in parts of the US. Lake Mead is below 1/3 capacity and the Colorado River is drying up; forests and homes in parts of the West are burning up. Meanwhile, at the opposite extreme, low-lying cities like Charleston SC and vital military installations like those around Hampton Roads VA are now flooding regularly.

People here and across the country are increasingly conscious of climate, energy, and environment. One could hope we’d all agree that serious action is needed. Unfortunately, most Republicans in Washington and Harrisburg don’t agree.

According to the League of Conservation Voters’ 2021 National Environmental Scorecard, Democratic members of the US House from PA, including of course Chesco’s Chrissy Houlahan, all scored 100% on environmental votes, with the R’s ranging from 0 to 17% except one outlier at 57%. Dem Senator Casey scores 97% and R Senator Toomey 18%. That’s a dramatic and unfortunate gap! And furthermore, Chester County has sent some of the state’s most environmental legislators to Harrisburg: let’s keep them there and add more!

And here’s the clincher: RGGI, which stands for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The map shows the gap made by Pennsylvania in the midst of the eleven northeastern states that for many years have capped CO2 emissions from power plants and charged annual pollution fees that are invested in cleaner and more efficient energy production. Every year the cap goes down, the fees go up, and pollution goes down.

What’s not to like? The Republicans in Harrisburg, addicted to fossil fuels and the fossil fuel lobby, have tried all possible maneuvers to keep our state out of RGGI. Finally, thanks to Governor Wolf, PA joined RGGI on Earth Day, April 22, 2022.

Now the R’s are trying to deprive us of the environmental and financial benefits of RGGI. All they need is to elect a R Governor or a 2/3 R majority in the PA House and Senate this year, and the fossil fuel industry, which has produced high air pollution levels and crisscrossed Chester County with disastrous pipelines, will be celebrating PA’s departure from RGGI.

Pennsylvanians worried about the climate crisis, the decline and extinction of many species, violent flooding in many areas, and the much-too-slow pace of transition to renewable energy absolutely must vote for Democrats to save the climate and the environment… and please spread the word to all your friends, relatives, and other contacts!


In the last Mid-term Election, barely half of registered Democrats 18-30 voted, even though their futures in society and on the planet are more at stake than older folks. Younger voters ultimately will decide how issues like climate change and the role of government in personal decisions are addressed (hopefully before it’s too late.) You can fix this mess!

Prove the people in this video wrong; become an activist, and you can start by voting in November (and in the Primary Election May 17).

Young Voters: Your vote is a stake in your future. When you don’t vote, those who would force you to have less freedom, a poorer environment and education, and fewer opportunities than your parents did win. What’s at stake? Watch here.



Join in with like-minded neighbors and friends as we have an amazing day of golf (scramble format), food & drinks, and prizes planned for the day at a new venue for this event.

Register as an individual and be grouped into a friendly foursome, or sign up your own group.

Even if you don’t play golf, come later for a special dinner in support of Democrats across the county during this critical mid-term election year.

Register for golf or just the gourmet dinner at

WHEN: Monday, June 20, 2022, 11:30 am (cocktails and dinner 5:30 pm)
WHERE: Whitford County Club, 600 Whitford Hills Road, Exton
WHY: Support your Chester County Democrats!



This will be the first federal and state-wide election since the events of January 6, 2021, when Trump-backed insurgents attempted to end our democracy – and they have not given up.

Further, a draft Supreme Court decision has been released that overturns the landmark ruling that has stood for 50 years guaranteeing the freedom of families and women to make healthcare decisions without government interference. This is an absurd ruling – and Republicans are lining up in Chester County to vote to make this fundamental right illegal in Pennsylvania.

The November 8 mid-term election will decide whether this happens, sending us all backwards to a time before 1973 when women of all ages and means had to seek out dangerous and risky health care or make a decision to upend their lives and carry a baby that could put their own life and/or livelihood and planned future at risk.

Our first step is to rally registered voters to cast their vote in the Primary Election on May 17. Many of the races are not being contested within the Democratic Party, but you will have your vote and voice in placing the following on the November ballot. All will be critical in keeping Pennsylvania from moving backwards:

  • PA Governor
  • PA Lt. Governor
  • US Senator from PA
  • US Congresswoman from PA’s 6th District
  • Representative in the PA General Assembly
  • PA State Senator (only for the 44th Senate District)


Republicans have realized that the convenience of voting by mail actually encourages more people to vote, which they somehow feel threatens their power. Although the elections of 2020 and 2021 were the most secure and with incredibly low voter fraud rates (most notably a handful of Republicans voting twice at the polls), they are lining up to eliminate a means to vote that they overwhelmingly supported prior to 2020. Although the Pennsylvania Senate on April 13 voted 29-20 along party lines to ban drop boxes for mail-in ballots in state elections, that bill is going nowhere and if passed to Gov. Tom Wolf, he has indicated he would veto it. However, the Republican-controlled Commonwealth Court has ruled no-excuse mail-in ballots to be unconstitutional, an issue to be resolved by the PA State Supreme Court after the Primary Election. (Electing Democrats to the courts matters.)

Mail-in voting is convenient, safe, and secure. It allows registered voters to more carefully study and read about candidates and make informed voting decisions. It allows working families and those with mobility issues to exercise this right around their busy schedules and health limitations.

As you receive this newsletter close to the May 17th Primary Election, it is strongly advised that you NOT mail your completed ballot, but instead drop it in one of the Chester County Voter Services manned drop boxes at area libraries or at the Government Services Center monitored box on Westtown Road in West Chester.

Please ensure that you follow the directions completely and exactly:

  • Fill in your ballot, voting for all races; don’t forget races on the back
  • Insert your completed ballot in the included secrecy envelope (do not write anything on this envelope) and seal it
  • Sign and date the outer ballot envelope
  • Insert the secrecy envelope with your ballot inside the outer envelope and drop off at one of the Chester County drop boxes.


May 17, 8 PM  Deadline to drop off an Absentee or Mail-in Ballot

May 17            Primary Election Day

June 20           CCDC Annual Golf Outing at Whitford County Club

November 8    General Election Day

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