March 27 Statement from the Chair
After watching the news these last few days, I could not help but share with you how proud I am to be a Democrat. It also has made me realize just how much we have to do everything humanly possible to ensure the course we have set our nation on continues through this year’s mid-terms and on to 2024.
First, we can now celebrate the likely ascension of the first Afro-American woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson survived two days of personal and professional abuse and insults from Republicans, with grace and professionalism, and we have seen her standing soar in polls.
Second, I hope you were both as proud and comforted as I was by the way President Joe Biden represented our nation in Europe. His visit to our 82nd Airborne troops where we sat and shared pizza with them, posed for selfies and later gave a calm but inspiring talk to them showed what a real Commander-in-Chief is.
Equally, his demeanor with our allies was one of sharing and supporting, as well as leading. He gave other leaders their time at the microphone. President Biden was about “us” and not “me.”
It’s important to think back to the previous president, who never had a moment that was not about him, a man who tried to defund NATO, even threatening to pull the US out; a man who alienated our allies and who wanted to bring Vladimir Putin and Russia back into the G7 and allow him to bolster his economy.
It’s important to remember that Fox News and even elected Republicans began the Ukraine horror show doubting our nation and expressing support for Putin.
Beyond the remarkable events and images of the past days, it’s just as important to remember all this President and Democrats in Congress have done even as Republicans, and sadly one or two “Democrats” have done to thwart a humane and nation-building agenda.
Republicans still try to paint inflation as a Democrat-inflicted, even though economists agree it is tied to the one-two punch of COVID disruptions and now Ukraine. Republicans try to paint a picture of misery in our nation even as we add more jobs and create an economy built to soar when the COVID and Ukraine-inflicted inflation is behind.
After the last several years of darkness and despair I feel hope, thanks to hard-working Democrats here in Chester County and across the Nation.
But, I am a realist. The hard right radical elements bent on destroying the core of our democracy are at work here in Chester County. Go to the Republican web site; go to their Facebook; watch their candidates appear before radical groups like the Berks County Patriots; watch them disrupt County Commissioner and Voter Services meetings in attempts to restrict voting; watch as they storm school board meetings to try to censor and limit what our children can read and learn.
While I am bursting with pride this message really is a call to action – please, when confronted with those who spread the big lies, speak up. Make sure you are registered and if you have a chance to talk with others, make sure they are registered. Help get out the vote. Write letters to the editors responding to the big lies, be active on social media proving facts and not fiction.
We are the best hope for the nation. I truly believe that more than ever today. But, to be a lasting hope we have to pierce the darkness still trying to put out the light of our democracy.
Can I count on you to spread the good word?
CCDC Chairwoman Charlotte Valyo