One only needs to read Project 2025 to understand this is not hyperbole. It is not enough for us to re-elect our incumbent Congresswoman and State Senate and State Representative Candidates and flip the remaining two State Representative Districts. Chester County must deliver a vote margin that will win Pennsylvania for President Biden and re-elect Senator Casey.
Chester County delivered a 60,000 margin for President Biden in 2020; we plan to deliver a 100,000 vote margin in 2024. Below I am sharing what we are doing and what we are planning to do.
The Chester County Democratic Committee (CCDC) has been coordinating GOTV plans and actively implementing those plans. The Collaborative Planning Committee met to review and coordinate our standing committees’ plans and make any additions or tweaks needed.
The Voter Outreach Committee is mounting its aggressive Vote By Mail Campaign and will chase those ballots that are not returned. The committee sent a postcard to every voter whose Mail-in Ballot did not arrive at Voter Services in time to be counted in the 2024 Primary Election giving them instructions on how to avoid this in November. The committee also has a plan for curing ballots in November that will add the design and printing of post-it notes to be used to contact voters whose ballots have been rejected.
The Communications Committee has messaging in the pipeline to be pushed out to our various social media accounts and plans to do candidate videos that will present our candidates in a personal light.
The Data Analytics Committee works with every other committee to provide the statistical information needed to support our GOTV plans.
Voter Protection will be a top priority for the State Committee (PA Dems) and for CCDC. Those plans are well underway, and Liz Curtis Swain, Esquire, is a member of both the State Committee Voter Protection Team and the Biden/Harris Voter Protection team. This has resulted in a smooth process for filling in any gaps we may have at polls within the County. The Voter Protection teams have approved the Voter Protection Plan that Chester County has been using for the past several Primary and General elections. This means we will fill our poll watcher and greeter positions with Chester County volunteers and notify the Voter Protection Team if we have any spots unfilled. This will ensure all polls will be covered and there will not be duplication of effort. Liz is building the team of attorneys to serve on the Chester County Voter Protection Team, enlisting attorneys in Chester County and those supplied by these Teams.
The Collaborative Planning Committee discussed how we can best contact newly registered Democratic voters throughout the County. CCDC will finance the design and printing of literature to be provided to each zone along with the lists of newly registered voters in that zone to be distributed to this target audience either in person or by mail. There will be a blank space for a label on the literature for each zone or precinct to provide local voting information. These lists will be provided each time VoteBuilder information is updated.
CCDC will mail a sample ballot to every Chester County Democratic and left-leaning Independent voter.
CCDC is actively fundraising to support our candidates, our GOTV plans and our infrastructure. The annual Golf Tournament was held on June 10th at Whitford Country Club, and we will be hosting Governor Gavin Newsom on July 6th at the Desmond Hotel. Both of these events are crucial to our budgetary plans.
We have the plans, we are busy raising money to finance the plans, but the most important component is volunteers. Canvassing is the most important part of any GOTV plan. I urge you to consider knocking doors. Chester County is a vital piece of the plan to win Pennsylvania for President Biden and Senator Casey.
Canvassing events are listed on the CCDC website calendar. If your State Representative or State Senate candidate does not have a scheduled canvass, then consider working for another candidate or volunteering with the Coordinated Campaign by contacting Tyler Conrad, the Regional Organizer, working out of the CCDC office. Contact Marcy Cornell at or Tyler Conrad at
As always, I am appreciative and grateful for your work and support. I am confident we will GOTV and provide the votes President Biden needs to win Pennsylvania and we will elect our Democratic candidates from the top to the bottom of the ballot.
In Unity,