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In this newsletter:

  • Earth Day 2022
  • Message from the Chair
  • CCDC Announces New Website
  • The Numbers Tell a Story
  • Your ‘One Thing’ to do This Month
  • Who’s Who on the May 17 Primary Election Ballot?
  • Republicans Still Riled about Convenient Voting
  • Tee of for Chester County Democrats
  • 2022 Election Calendar


April is Earth Month. April 22 is Earth Day. On April 22 there are events you can participate in to show love and support for our ravaged climate. At the end of this message is a link to a calendar. You also can Google Chester County Earth Day or Month events. Also at the end of this message is a YouTube link to an excellent video dealing with the hopelessness many young people feel today about the fate of the planet. The message resonates not just with the young, but with anyone involved in this struggle.
There is no question climate change is the issue of our time. As has been said, “there is no Planet B.” The United Nations recently released a report that said action on climate change, and literally saving the world, is at the “now or never” stage.

Yet, one political party in the United States stands four-square against keeping our planet alive. It has shamelessly used war in the Ukraine to call for immediately drilling and fracking, the suspension of environmental regulations, not just nationwide but here in Pennsylvania. Republicans continue to be owned by, and to represent, the fossil fuel industry.

But there is hope. Democrats from President Joe Biden down to local officials and activists are working to replace fossil fuels, to create environmental legislation that gives our children and grandchildren hope for the future. District 6 Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan has sponsored and supported a broad range of bills to combat climate change, including the carbon tax bill.
It is beyond belief that as we celebrate Earth Month the Republican Party continues its assault on the air we breathe, the water we drink and on the only planet we ever will know. Earth Month is a time for Democrats to feel pride in their efforts to protect Mother Earth, and to renew those efforts moving forward. We owe to future generations.


I am writing this on a day when the temperature will go to 80 degrees giving us a preview of the beautiful weather we will be enjoying soon. April brings the rebirth of nature, spring trees and flowers bud and bloom, grass greens and gardens need tending. April should also be a month for all of us to renew our energy and commitment to working for and electing our 2022 candidates.

Our slate is strong. We have only one contested primary on the entire ballot, the race for the U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. But this is not a time for relaxation, it is an opportunity to energize our voters, register new voters and encourage voters to apply for a Mail In Ballot. Every voter who votes in the primary is highly likely to vote in November and every voter who applies for a Mail in Ballot is one less voter we must contact in November. As of this date, the primary is just 33 days away. Let’s make the most of every one of those days!

We do have an urgent threat to our local government. The Commissioners Meetings and the Board of Election Meetings have become increasingly confrontational. Large groups of Republicans attend each meeting and use the Public Comment time to promote their false allegations of voter fraud and demand a forensic audit, going back to the claims that the 2020 election was stolen. In addition, they are demanding the end to the use of drop boxes and in fact, want to eliminate vote-by-mail entirely.
Our School Boards are being attacked at meetings and in the courts. The charges against school board members are egregious, and while we believe they are frivolous, they cause stress and, worse, discourage good people from running for these positions.

A small group of Democrats has been attending the Commissioners and Board of Election meetings and others are attending local school board meetings to speak out and present our views and support for our elected officials. We need more people to attend and speak. If you can attend your local school board or supervisor meetings, please contact your zone leader. If you can attend the Commissioners and or the Board of Election Meetings, please contact Marcy at the office (610-692-5811). We have talking points and not everyone needs to speak. You may attend in person or via Zoom.

Last evening, I had the honor to attend a Ramadan Sharing event hosted by the Islamic Center of Chester County at the invitation of Abdul Mughees Chaudhri. It was a beautiful evening which educated those of us who are not Muslim on the meaning, purpose, and regimen of Ramadan. We broke the fast together, then observed prayer and finally shared a delicious meal. The warmth and camaraderie that filled the room was overwhelming and no one leaving the celebration could doubt that we can live and work together no matter our race, religion, or sexual orientation, and that will make all of us stronger.

To all who celebrate Ramadan, Passover, and Easter, have a blessed season.

In unity,


We are thrilled to announce that [] has a new exciting look with crisp, easy-to-read web pages and everything you need to know about politics and voting in Chester County, up and down the ballot. Start now by reading all about the Primary Election and checking out our candidates in the new Voter Guide at


Elections have consequences. Republicans have repeatedly been defeated at the polls since 2017 and especially in the 2020 presidential race, but instead of finding better candidates and promoting policies that are popular with voters, they have taken Trump’s untruthful position that elections are being stolen. The result has been loud, wild claims of election fraud, demands for unnecessary audits beyond those already required that have shown no fraud, and Republican-encouraged attempts to undermine upcoming elections with interference at the polls and in the counting process.

Democratic Committeepersons (“CPs”) working at the polls and educating voters form the foundation of resilience against these harmful attacks on democracy. While most of Chester County’s 230 voting precincts have one or two (the maximum) committeepersons, others do not. The graph below shows the number of committeepersons on the ballot, by area ‘zone’ compared to four years ago, when they last were elected. Clearly, we need more good Democrats to step up and run as write-ins for committeeperson, or volunteer to be appointed after the May 17 Primary. Call the office at 610-692-5811 or email to learn more.


(*if your precinct needs one or two committeepersons)
Clearly, we need more good Democrats to step up and run as write-ins for committeeperson (it’s very easy), or volunteer to be appointed after the May 17 Primary. Call the office at 610-692-5811 or email to learn more. Training for new Committeepersons and those desiring a refresher is available.






The Pennsylvania Senate on April 13, voted 29-20 along party lines to ban drop boxes in state elections, forcing mail and other special ballots to be dropped at county election offices. The bill now goes to the House and if passed, to Gov. Tom Wolf who has indicated he would veto it. Republicans again cited unproveable, sketchy claims that somehow drop boxes contributed to voter fraud in recent elections. In reality, what they do is make it easier for voters to cast a ballot. Those working two jobs, lacking transportation or otherwise unable to get to the county election offices have the option of drop boxes. Studies have shown removing drop boxes would tend to disproportionately impact those who tend to vote for Democrats and Independents, thus making it a heinous form of voter suppression. If you are represented by a Republican State House Representative, you might want to let them know you are opposed to their efforts to destroy our election processes and stand in the way of fair and open voting.


It’s time to put together your foursome and sign up for the June 20 CCDC Golf Outing at beautiful Whitford Country Club.
Sign up at now!


  • April 20 CCDC Spring Event with Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan and special guest Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
  • May 17 Primary Election Day
  • June 20 CCDC Annual Golf Outing at Whitford County Club
  • November 8 General Election Day
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