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The Pennsylvania State Association of Prothonotaries and Clerks of Courts (PASAPCC) elected Chester County Prothonotary Debbie Bookman to its Executive Committee at the organization’s 75th Annual Prothonotaries and Clerks of Courts Association Conference. Mrs. Bookman currently serves on the Prothonotary Manual Committee, as well as the Orientation Committee, core functions of PASAPCC’s work.

Mrs. Bookman was elected in 2019 and will be up for re-election in 2023. Previously, Mrs. Bookman was an elected member of Coatesville City Council, Board President of the Charles A. Melton Center of West Chester, Vice-President and Treasurer of the Board of Directors for the Community Youth and Women Alliance of Coatesville; Council representative on Western Chester County Council of Governments; board member to community non-profit organization Movement Community Development Corporation, and most recently a member of Chester County Employees Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

“I am humbled and honored to have been nominated and elected to the Executive Committee of the PASAPCC,” said Mrs. Bookman, and continued “Thank you to my good friend and fellow prothonotary of Center County, Jeremy Breon, for placing my medal,” describing the medal of honor each Executive Committee elected member is awarded.

PASAPCC works for the purpose of securing more uniformity and cooperation in the conduct of their offices and improving their service to the public. Chester County Clerk of Courts Yolanda Van de Krol serves in a parallel role on the PASAPCC Clerk of Courts Manual Committee.

Although Prothonotary is an elected position, many otherwise informed voters aren’t aware of the scope of the office. The county Prothonotary handles the civil side of the county courts administration, as well as passports; is the legal custodian of all civil instruments filed with the Court of Common Pleas, in accordance with the laws of civil procedure of the Commonwealth and the Chester County Rules of Court; and maintains accurate indices and dockets, providing security for the documents, and making them available to the public.

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