CCDC Newsletter July 2022
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In this newsletter:
- Democracy is on the November Ballot
- Message from the Chair
- Spotlight on US 6th District: Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
- 100 Days to go until the November 8 Election
- Your ‘One Thing’ to do
- Calendar
Before we had the U.S. Constitution, we had The Articles of Confederation. The Articles, for all intents and purposes, left most power in the hands of states, with the “Confederation” existing primarily for the common defense. It was a disaster and led to the creation of the Constitution.
Now rogue conservative Supreme Court majority is, for all intents and purposes, taking us back to the days of the Articles. Consider its rulings in just the last weeks alone.
It has banned abortion as a nationwide right, ending 50 years of access, and left it to states, which may allow it or not on the whim of every-changing legislatures and statehouses. Already several states have said if women must suffer and die to protect a fetus – be it the product of rape and/or incest, be it a diseased fetus that threatens both the mother and the unborn – so be it. Women no longer have rights over their own bodies or their health care decisions.
The court also has ruled, in a case involving restrictions on the carrying of firearms in New York, that such a law infringes on Second Amendment rights. According to the court a state cannot restrict who carries firearms and where. Between this and the Scalia-led 2008 Heller decision almost any gun law going forward would be open to challenge.
The court also began the erosion of the Miranda rights by saying an accused cannot sue a police officer for failure to provide the Miranda warning. Fortunately, so far, that does not forbid exclusion of evidence obtained in the absence of a reading.
The court also said two Republican legislators in North Carolina can bring step in to defend a restrictive voter ID law even though the state attorney general already is involved. This is seen as opening the door for elected officials to intervene in election lawsuits.
And, the court has ruled that the state of Maine must provide taxpayer dollars tuition assistance to religious and other private schools, blurring separate of church and state.
There is more to come and some of it could render federal authority at several levels null and void.
That’s why every single person who truly believes in the U.S. Constitution and freedom MUST go to the polls this November and in November of 2024. The next two elections will determine whether the United States continues to exist as a free democracy, with liberty and justice for all. They also will determine what kind of state Pennsylvania will be.
Just a few short weeks ago we thought that sort of comment might sound alarmist. Today it is not. Blue in 2022.
Although this is my July newsletter message, we are quickly moving into August, the beginning of crunch time for the November election.
Dealing with the issues and decisions Republicans are promoting can be like playing Whack-A-Mole. We can address one issue, but another one immediately pops up and we grab another mallet.
This is just the reaction our opponents want – for us to be reactive, always responding to their narrative instead of controlling the narrative. They want us to lose focus. Issues are important, especially to Democrats, and we must address them. But, our most important task is to educate voters and make them realize exactly what is at stake for all Pennsylvanians if we do not elect Josh Shapiro as Governor, Austin Davis as Lieutenant Governor, and flip the PA State Representative districts now held by Republicans while returning all of our incumbents to Harrisburg.
Voters need to understand what is at stake for all Americans if we do not elect John Fetterman to the U.S. Senate and Chrissy Houlahan to the U.S. Congress. I realize I am preaching to the choir, but this should be our one constant message – the fate of our state and our democracy.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the two issues we must confront: gas prices and inflation. These cannot be ignored. Our candidates are taking the lead on this messaging, which is top down. CCDC must be coordinated with the Houlahan, Shapiro, and Fetterman campaigns on these issues.
Below is a list of CCDC plans for GOTV:
- CCDC is financing a robust texting program to encourage Vote By Mail and a follow-up program to chase those ballots.
- Postcards were sent to Democratic voters whose Mail In Ballot did not reach Chester County Voter Services (CCVS) in time to be counted or who did not date the outside envelope and were rejected, informing them their vote did not count and making sure they know how to correct their mistakes.
- CCDC is working with Swing Blue, a non-profit organization headquartered in Boston, to mail 20,000 Vote By Mail applications to low propensity Democratic voters. This is free to us and could be a program we use for every election.
- CCDC is designing palm cards for each race that CCDC will print for all zones.
- CCDC has contributed to the campaigns of the four non-incumbent State Representative candidates.
- The Communications Committee has a plan for a strong Social Media presence.
Financing our programs is a must. If you have not already joined, please consider joining Chair’s Club or True Blue. Both provide necessary funds for the operation of CCDC. I know you have many requests for donations and CCDC appreciates whatever donation you are able to make. A contribution to CCDC impacts all of Chester County, not just one area. To donate, please go here.
Enjoy the rest of the summer, but also knock doors and make phone calls. Our candidates are counting on large voter turn out and large winning margins! Democrats Deliver!
In Unity,
Chrissy Houlahan was first elected to the US House in 2018 as the first woman and first Democrat to represent PA-06. She has easily been the most accessible and active representative we’ve had in Chester County, serving on three important House Committees and holding (at last count) 64 Town Halls (!) to share news of interest with voters an answer their questions.
Chrissy is an Air Force veteran, engineer, entrepreneur, and educator. She serves on House Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, and Small Business Committees. She’s on the leadership team of the New Democrat Coalition and is the co-founder of three Congressional Caucuses: Women in STEM, For County, and The Servicewomen, and Women Veterans Caucus.
Residents of the county are encouraged to bring questions and requests for assistance with government issues to her office.
The 2022 midterms, based on historical trends, will be challenging for Democrats. In March, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) added Houlahan to its Frontline program for vulnerable incumbents. So we all must be mindful of the need to return Chrissy to Washington in 2023 by supporting her campaign and voting for her on November 8.
Chrissy lives in Devon with her husband Bart. They have two adult daughters.
This Saturday, July 30, marks 100 days until the November 8, 2022 midterm election.
We can’t overemphasize the importance of these remaining days to reach uncertain or irregular voters and share information about Democratic Party candidates and their values and policies, contrasting them with dangerous right-wing threats to Pennsylvania, Chester County, and the US from Republicans, the likes of New Jersian Dr. Oz and insurrectionist and Christian Nationalist Doug Mastriano.
Fortunately, Democrats have a lot to offer – strong support for affordable healthcare, abortion rights, gun control, the environment, education and LGBTQ rights. The Republicans have NO policies for solving problems that residents care about.
Our democracy is at stake this year. Every day until the election we intend to remind our voters that the county, state, and country are much better off being led by Democrats. You should too!
Chester County Democratic candidates and their volunteers are busy knocking on doors and calling voters to share why Democrats should be elected to Harrisburg this November.
Join in the fun – sign up for a canvass list and walk with a candidate or with a friend in your neighborhood. Make calls or join a texting or postcard writing campaign. With all that is at stake in this election, we need every voter to vote, whether it be by mail or in person.
You can find a canvassing event on the CCDC Calendar, reach out to a campaign from our website, or call the CCDC office at 610-692-5811.
This weekend, July 30 & 31, is a “WEEKEND OF ACTION”. A canvassing event in West Chester has a goal to knock on 1,000 doors! Sign up below:
July 30 100 days until the November 8 election
October 24 Last day to register to vote November 1 Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot November 8 General Election Day |