Are you ready for a wild ride through 2022?
Chester County Democrats are gearing up toward the November 8 mid-term elections, when we will once again elect Democrats to Congress, the Senate (finally replacing Pat Toomey), and the PA State Legislature, as well as a new Democratic Governor and Lt. Governor.
But first, there’s work to do. We must deal with new redistricting maps drawn using the 2020 US Census data; PA Republicans are already trying to ensure that unfair gerrymandering in the process will provide them, with fewer votes, a continuing governing majority.
And Republican candidates (from out of state, or just out of their mind) for Governor and Senate are lining up behind Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election, with his followers determined to suppress our votes, and if they can’t, simply to change the results in their favor.
When the redistricting is finally complete, the County Committee will meet and hear from our Democratic candidates and make endorsements. All candidates will need your help getting signatures on their nominating petitions (February 15-March 8) to get on the Primary Election ballot, with that election currently scheduled for May 17. That’s just the start… but while that interaction is important, let’s all stay safe from Covid as well.
January Message from our Chair
Happy New Year! It seems like forever since we were gathered at our Holiday party. I hope everyone had a healthy and safe Holiday season and were able to be with family and friends. I know many of us had to once again reduce or cancel some celebrations. I am optimistic that by the end of February or the beginning of March we will once again be able to have in person events.
2022 is less than a month old and it has already presented us with serious challenges on the political front. Redistricting is taking center stage and there are many moving parts. Charles Boruchowitz is covering the topic in this newsletter.
No matter how the lines are drawn, I know Chester County Democrats are up to the challenge. We have been successful under seriously gerrymandered districts, so what is new? We have the will; we have the energy, and we are united behind our candidates.
Recruiting Committee People is key to a strong CCDC. I ask anyone who might want to become a Committeeperson to contact either your Zone Leader or Marcy Cornell, CCDC office manager (610-692-5811).
CCDC began planning for the 2022 election prior to the 2021 November Election Day. A Messaging Subcommittee has been created to provide clear and concise messages on the issues we want to promote and allow us to be proactive, not reactive to Republican attacks.
Voter Outreach (texting, etc.) is planning an even larger campaign than we financed in 2021. Our chescodems.org website is being streamlined and revamped and the Communications Committee is planning social media and digital campaigns. I encourage anyone with the interest and talent to volunteer for these committees. We need graphic designers and those who will create content.
All of this requires money. Charles and I have been working hard to create a consistent revenue stream. We are thankful for the generous responses we have received. The development side of the Fundraising Committee needs volunteers with fundraising and development experience. The Events side of this committee needs volunteers to plan and implement CCDC events such as the spring event, the summer picnic, and the fall event.
I have many people to thank, especially my Executive Board. CCDC is fortunate to have such talented and hard-working leadership. They give their time and talent without hesitation.
I look forward to working with everyone to continue our success – Chester County is the key to Democrats winning PA in 2022.
Warmest regards,
Chester County – Data Points
You already know that Democrats have taken a narrow edge in voter registration, but what can the demographics of Chester County voters tell us about expected registration trends? We have all seen the tremendous growth, primarily from under-40 people, moving here. If that continues – what will it mean? And another thing – women have certainly embraced our party, leading to strong women elected officials. That’s a good thing, but we need men to add to our voter rolls as well.
Wanted: Committeepersons on the May 2022 Ballot
Committeepersons are elected by Democrats in their local precinct to represent them on the County Committee. They inform their neighbors of election dates and polling places, provide information about candidates and issues on the ballot, meet with and vote for candidate endorsements, represent the Democratic Party and endorsed candidates at their polls on Election Days, and organize their precincts to get out the vote.
Our bylaws allow two committeepersons per voting precinct. The CCDC Chair may appoint Democrats to fill vacancies as they arise.
If interested, send an email to office@chescodems.org with your contact information and precinct voting location. If there is a vacancy in your precinct, the CCDC Chair or your Zone Leader will reach out to meet to discuss the role. If there are no vacancies in your precinct, we’ll still help you get involved in local campaigns!
Candidates will need to get at least 10 signatures from registered Democrats during the ballot petition signing period that begins February 15 to have their names placed on the May Primary Election ballot.
Redistricting Update
As you know, Pennsylvania is in the midst of redistricting its State House, State Senate, and Congressional districts. A quick overview of what is happening so far:
State House: There are a lot of changes across Chester County. This isn’t final, but, the initial numbers are promising that these maps are among the fairest maps created in a long time in Pennsylvania. There are great pick-up opportunities in Chester County for seats we do not hold, while we must be vigilant to defend our incumbents.
State Senate: Chester County is going to have strong democratic incumbents that will need our help this election.
Congressional: There is a lot of back and forth between Republicans and Democrats on the maps. Some split Chester County into two districts, others keep the entire County in one district. We don’t yet know what the final maps will look like. The Courts may decide in the end. The delay may force the petitions and the Primary to be delayed. We will continue to monitor and update as we learn more.
Big picture: The Republicans are mad that they couldn’t gerrymander the State House districts this time around. They have begun a process to try and take over the process in future draws by instituting ballot initiatives. We must defeat this by becoming the majority in Harrisburg. We must work together to defeat the Republicans and keep drawing fair maps.
Your One Thing to do …
Visit https://www.vote.pa.gov/Register-to-Vote to register online or download a registration form. (And today would be a good day to sign up to vote by mail in 2022.)
2022 Election Calendar (subject to change based on redistricting completion)
February 15-March 8: Candidate Petition Signing Period
February 17: Chester County Democrats Endorsement Convention (Virtual)
May 2: Last day to register to vote
May 10: Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot:
May 17: Primary Election Day (mail-in ballots must be received by this date)
October 24: Last day to register to vote in General Election
November 1: Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot
November 8: General Election