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CCDC Newsletter August 2022

In this newsletter:

  • A Great Start to August
  • Message from the Chair
  • Candidate Spotlight:  Paul Friel for 26th PA House District
  • Abortion Rights are (Effectively) on the Ballot this November
  • Chester County Voter Registration Gap Widens
  • Your ‘One Thing’ to do
  • Calendar


President Joe Biden ordered a selective drone strike against al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man when the World Trade Centers buildings were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. It was such a precision strike that only the room in which al-Zawahiri was sitting was struck, and it came 11 years after a mission ordered by President Barack Obama resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden.

Then came the marathon Senate vote that capped months of work and ended with the Senate passage, thanks to Vice-President Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote, of the Inflation Reduction Act, followed by the signing of the CHIPS and Science Act that pumps $280 billion into development of chips in the United States, reducing reliance on China. The Inflation Reduction Act contains the largest investment in climate change reduction in the nation’s history – $360 billion. Not only will it combat climate change, it will create jobs. The act also places new taxes on corporations with revenue of more than $1 billion annually to help pay for the bill. It also will reduce health care costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to negotiate with Big Pharma on prices and cap out-of-pocket expenses at $2,000.

Did we mention gas prices are coming down as well? They’ve fallen for eight straight weeks!

As we celebrate these major accomplishments, we also need to point out they were done without a single Republican vote. In fact, Republicans successfully challenged the inclusion of an insulin cap of $35, meaning millions who suffer from this disease will continue to pay exorbitant prices.

Which points us toward the mid-terms. It is essential that Democrats retain control of the House and expand margins in the Senate. It’s also critical Democrats prevent far-right take-overs of state legislatures and governor’s mansions. We in Chester County and across Pennsylvania will play a key role in this election. Ballots are filled with far-right “big lie” proponents; we can’t allow them to win.

Vote, talk to others about voting, put up signs and paste on bumper stickers.

Democrats have shown what we can do for all Americans and we need to keep doing it!


It is August and we are less than 100 days from the most important election of our lifetime. Democrats in Washington D.C. have achieved what some would say was the impossible, passing the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 and the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act into law with the House to follow soon. CHIPs will provide $52.7 billion in subsidies to semiconductor production in the U.S. and invest in science and technology, and the Inflation Reduction Act is the most comprehensive and important legislation to finally begin addressing the climate crisis, extending healthcare benefits, reducing prescription medicine prices, and establishing a minimum corporate income tax of 15%.
Yes, there was an unprecedented FBI raid on the residence of the former President. Let’s not allow that to distract us from our job – to elect Democrats. That being said, I am taking this opportunity to describe CCDC’s GOTV plans – remember, we are all CCDC, so when I use the term CCDC, I am including elected officials, candidates and their campaigns, Zone Leaders, Assistant Zone Leaders, Committee people, Executive Committee members and all our volunteers.

The Communications Committee is launching a social media campaign across multiple platforms. The committee is finalizing a rigorous process to engage voters on issues, promote our accomplishments and extend the reach of our email blasts and op-eds.

The Voter Outreach Committee has started our robust texting program to encourage Vote By Mail (VBM) and to chase ballots. Jerry Pyne and Alan Yockey are working with Swing Blue. A packet containing a mail-in-ballot application and cover letter from the County Chair will be mailed to 20,000 low-propensity Democratic voters in Chester County. This is paid for by Swing Blue, a volunteer group from Massachusetts.

Touch Base Tuesdays: A representative from every zone, a representative from each campaign, Jackson Moffett, the Regional Field Director from ALL IN PA, Jerry Pyne, and I are meeting every Tuesday to coordinate and review GOTV plans (canvassing, phone banking, mailings, and lit drops). A coordinated calendar has been created and will be updated as more GOTV plans are formed. The meetings present an opportunity to brainstorm, review what works, what does not, where we need to focus our resources, and discuss the issues on voters’ minds.

CCDC is designing palm cards or door hangers for each race within the county. CCDC will print the cards for the zones, if there is enough funding, CCDC will also contribute to the cost of zone mailings.

Thank you to our candidates, zone leaders, CPs and volunteers who are doing amazing work. Please continue to sign up for canvassing events throughout the county, even beyond your own zone or precinct. We are also looking for volunteers to provide canvass launching sites – a garage is fine. This will provide a sheltered place for pickup and return of canvassing lists and a bathroom facility for our canvassers. If you are willing to serve as a launch site, please send your information (name, address, contact info) to your zone leader or Marcy Cornell (

In Unity,




Paul Friel is a local business owner, a husband, a father of four, President of the Owen J Roberts School Board, and a lifelong Pennsylvania resident. Paul is running for State Representative for the 26th district because he believes we deserve a representative who will focus on the issues that matter to our community.

Take education, one of Paul’s top priorities in this campaign. As a public school parent and a member of the local school board, he’s seen the shortfalls in our education system firsthand and believes it’s time for Pennsylvania legislators to act. Public Education is the single greatest investment we can make in the future of our Commonwealth. We need to ensure that each student in Pennsylvania has access to a high quality public education that provides a solid foundation for their future. This means fully funding schools and using the bipartisan-approved Fair Funding Formula to decrease disparities in resources between districts, ensuring that every student in Pennsylvania has access to the resources they need.

Learn more and join his campaign at


Pennsylvania Republicans, with the full blessing of Chester County’s GOP, have rammed through a set of constitutional amendments in SB 106 (approved by Republicans without any debate, hearings or voter input)  that, among other things, would explicitly state that our Constitution does not guarantee any rights relating to abortion, or public funding of abortions.

The amendment package will not face voters via a ballot question until, and unless, it is passed a second time in the next legislative session by both the state House and Senate. This is a prime example of why any voter who truly cares about 1) freedom of choice, 2) voter access, and 3) allowing the governor veto power over  an extremely partisan gerrymandered legislature, needs to support and vote for our Democratic candidates for the PA House and Senate this coming November. The best way to defeat these anti-democracy amendments is to control the PA House and/or Senate in the next session.

The bill is designed solely to allow Republicans to get around the veto power of a Democratic governor. Currently it requires a two-third vote to overcome a governor’s veto. One of the amendments in this package would change that to a simple majority.

Another proposed amendment would require a voter to show a photo ID each time he or she votes. Forget that they already needed it to register; forget all the safeguards in elections. And, it would give the state auditor the authority to audit elections, creating a potential partisan review such as former President Donald Trump has sought as a part of his “big lie” about the 2020 presidential election.

There are other pieces in this bill. Suffice it to say if they ever reach the ballot all should be rejected. But, that’s not likely. As Spotlight PA recently reported, “Presenting a measure as a ballot question nearly guarantees it will be approved. Voters have rejected only six of 49 amendments dating back to 1968, the year the current state constitution went into effect. The overwhelming majority were approved in off-year elections, when only a small fraction of eligible voters go to the polls.”

Action Step One: Do your part to ensure Democratic candidates win in November.

Action Step Two: Educate yourself and those you know about the proposed constitutional amendments.

Action Step Three: Vote, and help others register and get to the polls!


For those that thought 2022 would turn out to be a down year for Democrats: the voter registration edge of those in Chester County registering with the Democratic Party over the Republican Party has actually widened, close to 6,000 voters.

Democrats at every level – nationally, in Pennsylvania, and locally in the county are delivering for the middle class and workers, and working hard to ensure that future generations have prosperity and a living environment.

Clearly county voters also see that the GOP has nothing to offer them except heartless attempts to suspend basic human rights and fairness.


The Chester County Democratic Committee (CCDC) is working hard to get Democrats elected at all levels of government and the community. We all see what a difference good active public servants can make in Washington, Harrisburg, and Chester County, whether it be in the legislature or local township and school boards. Our committee persons, working committee members, staff and volunteers work tirelessly to make and answer calls, knock on doors, participate in texting and postcard campaigns, drive social media, train and  help our candidates win their races.

Republicans historically have relied on large donors, lawyer firms and other groups with county contracts, oil and pipeline industry support and outside dark money for their funding; they also have demanded that their elected officials kick back a portion of their salaries to the party(!)  Democrats are mostly supported through small local donations. This makes it challenging to budget and plan for expenses such as printing and mailing, advertising, and political consulting. You can help with your thoughtful regular donation by becoming a sustaining member of CCDC. Join today at


October 24      Last day to register to vote

November 1    Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot

November 8    General Election Day

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