Yes, there was an unprecedented FBI raid on the residence of the former President. Let’s not allow that to distract us from our job – to elect Democrats. That being said, I am taking this opportunity to describe CCDC’s GOTV plans – remember, we are all CCDC, so when I use the term CCDC, I am including elected officials, candidates and their campaigns, Zone Leaders, Assistant Zone Leaders, Committee people, Executive Committee members and all our volunteers.
The Communications Committee is launching a social media campaign across multiple platforms. The committee is finalizing a rigorous process to engage voters on issues, promote our accomplishments and extend the reach of our email blasts and op-eds.
The Voter Outreach Committee has started our robust texting program to encourage Vote By Mail (VBM) and to chase ballots. Jerry Pyne and Alan Yockey are working with Swing Blue. A packet containing a mail-in-ballot application and cover letter from the County Chair will be mailed to 20,000 low-propensity Democratic voters in Chester County. This is paid for by Swing Blue, a volunteer group from Massachusetts.
Touch Base Tuesdays: A representative from every zone, a representative from each campaign, Jackson Moffett, the Regional Field Director from ALL IN PA, Jerry Pyne, and I are meeting every Tuesday to coordinate and review GOTV plans (canvassing, phone banking, mailings, and lit drops). A coordinated calendar has been created and will be updated as more GOTV plans are formed. The meetings present an opportunity to brainstorm, review what works, what does not, where we need to focus our resources, and discuss the issues on voters’ minds.
CCDC is designing palm cards or door hangers for each race within the county. CCDC will print the cards for the zones, if there is enough funding, CCDC will also contribute to the cost of zone mailings.
Thank you to our candidates, zone leaders, CPs and volunteers who are doing amazing work. Please continue to sign up for canvassing events throughout the county, even beyond your own zone or precinct. We are also looking for volunteers to provide canvass launching sites – a garage is fine. This will provide a sheltered place for pickup and return of canvassing lists and a bathroom facility for our canvassers. If you are willing to serve as a launch site, please send your information (name, address, contact info) to your zone leader or Marcy Cornell (
In Unity,